Fashion Feng Shui

Through Fashion Feng Shui, you find your dominant feng shui element to determine your style of dress.  You also can modify this by your intention or purpose for the day.

Sue Donnelly at Feng Shui Conference on Fashion Feng Shui
View my post with images from the video

The Transformational Triad concept leads us to balance our essence with our intention that changes over time to create a harmonious appearance.

  • Essential Energy (ESSENCE) is unconsciously expressed. It is the energetic lens through which you see the world, the assimilation of your core (driving force), character (emotional nature), and conduct (way of being) – the unique "essence"... that is you.
  • Intentional Energy (INTENTION) is consciously created. It is the energy attached to what you have "in mind" to be, do and have.
  • Visual Energy (APPEARANCE) is physically transmitted. It is the vibrational pattern created by "how you look," influenced by the energies inherent in your physical coloring and body shape, and the colors, patterns, textures, fabrics and silhouettes of the clothes you wear.

You can determine your Feng Shui element through looking at both your body type and your facial features.

Chinese Elements and Chinese Face Reading



